For You, Rowena (an explanation)

In eighteen days, I release my third book, a novella titled, For You, Rowena. I’m honored to announce that Allane Sinclair has yet again created a cover that encompasses a universe I’ve imagined and put to paper. I couldn’t ask for a better collaborator than Allane. As always, I hope my words serve justice to theContinue reading “For You, Rowena (an explanation)”

For You, Rowena (an excerpt)

  -1- Herald Saw Her Ending   11 June, 2017—Saturday Herald was lounging in the grand bay window that overlooked the flower garden when the end came calling. Curled up on the yellow seat cushions amongst a few magazines, he’d been surveying the backyard through drowsy eyes. He was a keen hunter once, ages ago inContinue reading “For You, Rowena (an excerpt)”

Coming in August: For You, Rowena

  I’ll never forget the sight of you, dead in the garden; I couldn’t look away from your body. The blood, and the bugs crawling all over you. The blackbirds eating you up. My only love, carrion. You were the one person on this earth who knew where I lived and breathed. What am IContinue reading “Coming in August: For You, Rowena”

Life as a Writer: part 2×3

Upon completion of “Magpie in August,” my debut novel, I began submitting to the literary agents I had researched (authors who want to go for traditional publishing should always research literary agents and houses before sending query letters). Omitting all of the uninteresting details, I received four “close, but no cigar” responses, thirteen flat outContinue reading “Life as a Writer: part 2×3”

Another Disastrous Date: Andrea Walker

“While writing this book, I learned a few interesting things about myself. Over the years, I spent a great deal of time primping and preening for dates, dropped an enormous amount of money on shoes, and didn’t realize until very late in the game that I was the poster child for what can only beContinue reading “Another Disastrous Date: Andrea Walker”